Kenya country profile

Republic of Uganda
Capital: KampalaOfficial Languages: Luganda, Swahili, English
Population 35.6 million
Area 241,038 sq km (93,072 sq miles)
Christianity, Islam Major Religions
Life expectancy 54 years (men), 55 years (women)
Currency Ugandan shilling
UN, World Bank, CIA World Factbook
President: Yoweri Museveni

Yoweri Museveni and his National Resistance Movement have ruled Uganda without interruption since seizing power in 1986.
He won the 2011 presidential elections after a 2005 constitutional amendment lifted presidential term limits, and went on to win again in 2016. The opposition and independent observers have complained about the fairness and transparency of these and earlier polls.
Mr Museveni has been credited with restoring relative stability and economic prosperity to Uganda following years of civil war and repression under former leaders Milton Obote and Idi Amin.
TUganda is a pioneer in the liberalisation of the media in Africa.
It boasts a vibrant media sector, with nearly 200 private radio stations and dozens of television stations and print outlets, although circulation numbers have declined in recent years.
State-owned New Vision and privately-owned Daily Monitor dominate the press market.

Some key dates in Uganda's history

1894 - Uganda declared a British protectorate.
1962 - Independence: Federalist constitution with Mutesa, King of Buganda as president and Milton Obote as prime minister.
1967 - 71 - Milton Obote seizes power in a coup and abolishes Uganda's tribal kingdoms.
1971-79Military leader Idi Amin seizes power - hundreds of thousands die during his rule.
1972 - Amin expels thousands of Ugandan Asians..
1978-79 - Uganda invades Tanzania but Tanzania retaliates, forcing Amin to flee the country.
1980-85 - Milton Obote returns to power but is deposed in a military coup.
1986 -Rebel leader Yoweri Museveni seizes power, heralding a period of stability and improved human rights.
1995 - New constitution legalises political parties but maintains ban on political activity.
2005 - Referendum endorses multi-party politics but lifts presidential term limits.
2008 - Crackdown on Lord's Resistance Army forces rebels led by Joseph Kony to retreat from Uganda.