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Effective Communication guide business to make smart decisions

Media object image by: Adija Baku posted on:

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Workplace communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas Photo by:

Communication in the workplace is an absolute necessity. Now more than ever, employers are looking for people who possess soft skills. Skills that cannot be taught.

The ability to communicate is a soft skill that not everyone possesses. The easier it is for one to communicate, the easier it is to collaborate, therefore increasing efficiency and basic workplace morale.

Poor communication often leads to mistakes being made, unmotivated employees, and questioning the workplace. This can lead to disasters, such as faulty outcomes, disgruntled customers, and overall decrease inefficiency. Anyone and everyone can learn how to operate in their workplace. Employers know this. That is why they often hire those with other skill sets.

An employer would rather hire someone who isn't as good at the job but possesses soft skills. This is because people can always get better at a job with ease, but the same can not be said with soft skills. These skills are oftentimes natural and are very hard to be taught. If all your employees have a soft skill, i.e. communication. There is no doubt the entire workplace will be elevated.

The exact opposite can be said when communication is lacking. This is summed up by the fact that without communication, not everyone is fully aware of what is going on. With this in mind, you can predict how hard it would be for team members to collaborate on projects or basic tasks. Which would lead to less than attractive outcomes. Creating a snowball effect in which the rate of productivity continually declines. Ultimately leading to undesirable outcomes.

If the workplace is to be a place of productivity and efficiency. Communication is a no brainer.